College of Agriculture Padannakkad conducted Training on Beekeeping under ICAR-Tribal Plan for ST farmers from 01.09.2021 to 02.09.2021
College of Agriculture Padannakkad conducted training on Mushroom Production for ST farmers under ICAR-Tribal Sub Plan from 22.09.2021 to 23.09.2021
NABARD-KfW Soil Project conducted training on Micro Irrigation & Fertigation in collaboration with College of Agriculture Padannakkad on 22.11.2021. Farmers from Banatpadi, Cheripadi, Kunjar, Mugu & Pettikundu Watersheds participated in this.
List of participants attended the Online Training Programme on Data Analysis & Hands on Training in Statistical Methods
List of participants attended the RKVY RAFTAAR - KAU RABI KAU RAISE & PACE 2021 training programme
RAISE - Realising and Augmenting Innovations for Startup Enterprises
List of Paricipants who successfully completed the Online training programme on Food Processing - Entrepreneurial Opportunities held from 25.05.2021 to 11.06.2021
RARS, Pilicode launched farmer participatory hybrid seed nut production of coconut in farmers' field on world coconut. Hon. Thrikkaripur M.L.A , Sri. M. Rajagopalan inaugurated the programme. Also did official inauguartaion of supply of hybrid coconut seedlings produced by the institute under ' KERA KERALAM SAMRUDHA KERALAM ' program of kerala government.
കേരളത്തിൽ വരാനിരിക്കുന്നത് കൊടും വരൾച്ചയെന്ന സൂചന നൽകി മയിൽക്കൂട്ടം ഗ്രാമങ്ങളിലും നഗരങ്ങളിലും പറന്നിറങ്ങുന്നു. വനനശീകരണവും കാലാവസ്ഥാ വ്യതിയാനവുമാണ് മയിലുകൾ കൂട്ടത്തോടെ നാട്ടിലിറങ്ങാൻ കാരണമെന്നു ശാസ്ത്രജ്ഞർ....