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Sankalp Se - Siddhi, 2017 Celebrations at COA, Vellayani

Fri, 01/09/2017 - 5:50pm -- coavellayani.kau.in

Sankalp Se -  Siddhi celebrations 30-08-2017

Lighting the lamp- Hon' Vice Chancellor, KAU
Sankalp Se -  Siddhi celebrations 30-08-2017
Sankalp Se -  Siddhi celebrations 30-08-2017- Hon Vice Chancellor, KAU
Sankalp Se -  Siddhi celebrations 30-08-2017
Sankalp Se -  Siddhi celebrations 30-08-2017
Inauguration by Hon' Minister for Agriculture
Sankalp Se -  Siddhi celebrations 30-08-2017
Sankalp Se -  Siddhi celebrations 30-08-2017

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Kerala Agricultural University
KAU Main Campus
KAU P.O., Vellanikkara
Thrissur Kerala 680656