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Tender/Quotation Notices

Tender related documents can be download from bottom of the page.
Click on any row to see more details
Title Due Date Downloads Tender Docs (Zip file)
College of Forestry, Vellanikkara
Tender Notice:Supply of GIS Workstation
14/03/2025 Tender Notice:Supply of GIS Workstation
College of Agriculture, Padannakkad
ഗ്രീൻ നെറ്റുകൾ വിതരണം ചെയ്യുന്നതിനുള്ള ക്വട്ടേഷൻ
10/03/2025 ഗ്രീൻ നെറ്റുകൾ വിതരണം ചെയ്യുന്നതിനുള്ള ക്വട്ടേഷൻ
Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Food Technology, Tavanur
Supply of Water Quality Analyzer
12/03/2025 quotwateranalyzer.pdf
Kerala Agricultural University
Supply of Projector
10/03/2025 quotation_notice_projector.pdf
Plant Propagation & Nursery Management Unit, Vellanikkara
Tender Notice for purchase of chain link - GI wire with zinc coating
10/03/2025 tender notice for purchase of chain link
പ്രാദേശിക കാര്‍ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, അമ്പലവയല്‍
Quotation for SNP genotyping of rice and bio informatics analysis for one sample and whole genome sequencing of rice and bio informatics analysis for one sample
06/03/2025 Quotation for SNP genotyping of rice and bio informatics analysis for one sample and whole genome sequencing of rice and bio inf
പ്രാദേശിക കാര്‍ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, അമ്പലവയല്‍
Quotation for supply of vertical acroponics system in CoE
05/03/2025 Quotation for supply of vertical acroponics system in CoE
പ്രാദേശിക കാര്‍ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, അമ്പലവയല്‍
Tender for Establishment of NFT Hydroponics system (Nutrient film Technique)
05/03/2025 Tender for Establishment of NFT Hydroponics system (Nutrient film Technique)
പ്രാദേശിക കാര്‍ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, അമ്പലവയല്‍
Quotation for supply of F1 Hybrid Seeds in CoE
05/03/2025 Quotation for supply of F1 Hybrid Seeds in CoE
College of Forestry, Vellanikkara
Quotation Notice for supply of good quality professional Photocopier
10/03/2025 Quotation Notice
Agronomic Research Station, Chalakudy
Re-Tender Notice : Supply and installation of a solar-powered electric fencing system
10/03/2025 Re-Tender Notice : Supply and installation of a solar-powered electric fencing
കേളപ്പജി കോളേജ് ഓഫ് അഗ്രികൾചറൽ എൻജിനിയറിങ് ആന്റ് ടെക്നോളജി, തവനൂർ
12/03/2025 quotprinterscanner.pdf
Regional Agriculture Research Station, Vellayani
quotations called for supply of Seed Germinator (Single/double chamber)
10/03/2025 quotation_notice_for_the_seed_geerminator_2.pdf
Kerala Agricultural University
Supply of Laptop
10/03/2025 quotation_notice_laptop_computer.pdf
College of Agriculture, Padannakkad
Quotation for the supply of furniture towards College of Agriculture, Padannakkad
10/03/2025 Quotation for the supply of furniture towards College of Agriculture, Padannakkad
പ്രാദേശിക കാര്‍ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, പീലിക്കോട്
പ്ലംബിംഗ് സാധനങ്ങൾ വിതരണം ചെയ്യുന്നതിനുള്ല ദർഘാസ്
07/03/2025 image_777.pdf
പ്രാദേശിക കാര്‍ഷിക ഗവേഷണ കേന്ദ്രം, പീലിക്കോട്
Tender for supply of fertlizer
15/03/2025 image_776.pdf
Engineering Sub Division, Kumarakom
Supply and installation of one Desktop computer
13/03/2025 Quotation Notice : Supply and installation of one Desktop computer
Kerala Agricultural University
Supply for Desktop Computer
07/03/2025 quotation_notice_desktop.pdf
College of Agriculture, Vellayani
Supply & Installation of prefabricated refrigerated storage unit for seed bank
14/03/2025 Supply & Installation of prefabricated refrigerated storage
Regional Agriculture Research Station, Vellayani
refrigerated incubator shaker for Central Instrumentation laboratory
04/03/2025 incubator_shaker_tender_notice.pdf
Regional Agriculture Research Station, Vellayani
Horizontal Laminar air flow chamber
15/03/2026 2025_tender_notice_latest_-_laf-_aicrp_on_mushrooms_1.pdf
Engineering Division, Kumarakom
Supply and installation of Desktop Computer
13/03/2025 Quotation - Supply and installation of Desktop Computer
Directorate of Information Systems (DIS)
Quotation for VPN Router
10/03/2025 Quotation for VPN Router
College of Agriculture, Vellayani
Quotation for the purchase of water purifier
12/03/2025 quotation_notice_waterpurifier.pdf
College of Climate Change and Environmental Science, Vellanikkara
Supply and installation of "Printers"
07/03/2025 Tender Notice : Supply and installation of "Printers"
College of Climate Change and Environmental Science, Vellanikkara
Supply & Installation of UPS & tubular Battery
07/03/2025 Tender Notice : Supply & Installation of UPS & tubular Battery
College of Climate Change and Environmental Science, Vellanikkara
Tender Notice : Supply and Installation of iMAC
07/03/2025 Tender Notice : Supply and Installation of iMAC
College of Climate Change and Environmental Science, Vellanikkara
Tender Notice: Supply and installation of "Scanners"
07/03/2025 Tender Notice: Supply and installation of "Scanners"
College of Climate Change and Environmental Science, Vellanikkara
Tender : Supply and installation of "Automatic Weather Station"
07/03/2025 Tender : Supply and installation of AWS
Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Food Technology, Tavanur
Re-Quotation for Tractor-Mounted Front Reaper binder
05/03/2025 tractormountreaperbinder.pdf
Coconut Research Station, Balaramapuram
Limited Tender for supply of fertilizers
10/03/2025 Limited Tender for supply of fertilizers
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kollam
College of Climate Change and Environmental Science, Vellanikkara
Supply & Installation : UV visible Spectrophotometer
07/03/2025 uv_visible_spectrophotometer.pdf
College of Climate Change and Environmental Science, Vellanikkara
Supply & Installation:Thermal Cycler
07/03/2025 Supply & Installation:Thermal Cycler
College of Climate Change and Environmental Science, Vellanikkara
Supply & Installation : Soil hydrometer,Electrical resistance meter,Core sampler,oil auger,Weighing balance
07/03/2025 Supply & Installation : Soil hydrometer,Electrical resistance meter,Core sampler,oil auger,Weighing balance
College of Climate Change and Environmental Science, Vellanikkara
Supply & Installation :Deep water sampler , Hot Plate,Sound level meter,Autoclave,Secchi disc
07/03/2025 Supply & Installation :Deep water sampler , Hot Plate,Sound level meter,Autoclave,Secchi disc
College of Climate Change and Environmental Science, Vellanikkara
Supply & Installation : Automatic Nitrogen/Protein Estimation System
07/03/2025 Supply & Installation : Automatic Nitrogen/Protein Estimation System
College of Climate Change and Environmental Science, Vellanikkara
Supply and Installation of Lab Equipment - Stereo Microscope
07/03/2025 Supply and Installation of Lab Equipment :Stereo Microscope
College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara
Tender Notice - Supply of Desktop Computer CPUs and Peripherals
06/03/2025 img20250222_15004206.pdf
Regional Agriculture Research Station, Vellayani
Required refrigerated incubator shaker for Central Instrumentation laboratory, Regicxal Agricultural Research Station (Southeln Zone), Vellayani,
04/03/2025 refiigerated_incubator_shaker.pdf
Regional Agriculture Research Station, Vellayani
of Horizontal Electrophoresis System with Power Pack (Gel running system) for Central Instrumentation Lab, Regional Agricultural Research Station (Southern Zone),Vellayani
10/03/2025 tender_notice_horizonal_electrophoresis_system_with_poweer_pack_0001.pdf
കേളപ്പജി കോളേജ് ഓഫ് അഗ്രികൾചറൽ എൻജിനിയറിങ് ആന്റ് ടെക്നോളജി, തവനൂർ
Supply of Fabricated Stainless Steel Conveyor Belt
05/03/2025 quotefabsteel.pdf
College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara
Tender for the supply of Desktop Computer CPUs and Peripherals
06/03/2025 img20250222_15004206.pdf
Internal Audit Circle (NR), Kozhikode
Re-Tender Notice - IAC(SR), Vellayani - Purchase of 2 Laptops
11/03/2025 re-tender.pdf
Rice Research Station, Vyttila
Quotation Notice for Desktop and Multi Function Printer
05/03/2025 Quotation Notice for Desktop and Multi Function Printer
Title Due Date Downloads Tender Docs (Zip file)
Agronomic Research Station, Chalakudy
Quotation Notice - drilling Borewell
06/03/2025 Quotation Notice - drilling Borewell
Directorate of Physical Plant
Tender : Various Works - Notice No.4/24-25
20/03/2025 Tender Notice : Various Works
College of Agriculture, Padannakkad
Kerala Agricultural University
IQAC, KAU : NAAC Binary Accrediation - Expression of Interest(EOI)
12/03/2025 Notice Inviting : NAAC Binary Accrediation - Expression of Interest(EOI)
Communication Centre, Mannuthy
Tender Notice for Thrissur Pooram Exhibition 2025-KAU Pavilion
07/03/2025 Tender Notice for Thrissur Pooram Exhibition 2025-KAU Pavilion
College of Forestry, Vellanikkara
Tender for the Installation of Solar fencing at Madathikunnu hill
05/03/2025 tender_notice_kfdf.pdf
College of Agriculture, Vellayani
Quotation notice invited for running the college canteen
05/03/2025 document_10.pdf
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Kerala Agricultural University
KAU Main Campus
KAU P.O., Vellanikkara
Thrissur Kerala 680656