ഭാഷ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക: മലയാളം | ENGLISH

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Vision & Mission


Excellence in Agricultural Education, Research and Extension for Sustainable Agricultural Development and Livelihood security of farming community.

  • Kerala Agricultural University is well poised to meet the challenges ahead that transforms agriculture sector into the engine of growth of Kerala's economy by providing the human resources, and skills and technology for the sustainable development of state's agriculture, all economic activities put to the production of biomass based land and water including crop production (agriculture) and forestry .
  • Realisation of this objective renders imperative; on the one hand, the fostering the natural strengths and advantages emanating from resource endowments such as abundant rainfall, and sun shine and tropical year round biomass production capability as well as the literate and well informed human population; and on the other hand sharpening the competitive edge of Kerala's agriculture through a package of appropriate strategies, public policies, programmes technology services and investment support.
  • In the specific context of Kerala's highly heterogeneous resource base and societal values, for ensuring livelihood security of the dependent population a paradigm shift in optimisation of the biophysical resource base for agriculture development is called for from the maximisation of production of specific commodities in contrast, to the maximisation of income and employment on a sustainable basis.
  • The Kerala Agricultural University would strive to fulfill its commitment by reorienting and restructuring its programmes. In education at the graduate level, professionalism would be strengthened with entrepreneurship; and at the post graduate level, training would be imparted in emerging areas integrating relevant disciplines such as biotechnology, natural resource management, environment, IPR and biodiversity, WTO and global trade to mention a few.
  • Research would be reoriented on pursuing a system approach to technology generation systems rather than specific commodities and focused on integrated agro-silvi-pastoral-aqua production systems and resource based livestock production; emphasis would be on product conversion and value addition rather than ending production alone.
  • Extension and technology transfer would focus on group approach and area approach, and technology for production systems rather than commodities; training for entreprenuership rather than adding skills; and support services to be rendered by the single window.

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Kerala Agricultural University
KAU Main Campus
KAU P.O., Vellanikkara
Thrissur Kerala 680656