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A programme was conducted at IFSRS, Karamana on 15th May, 2020 at 10.30 am (as per directions received) to mark the initiation of activities as part of the “Subhiksha Keralam” the programme aimed at achieving self sufficiency in food production in Kerala in the Covid scenario. 


Dr. Abdul Hakkim. V.M, Professor (SWCE) received the award for "Best Professor in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Studies" in the Glimpses of Agriculture Innovation Congress and Award Function held at Hotel Taj, Mumbai on 12.02.2020 and participated as a member of the expert panel in the Technical Session on "Climate Resilient Agriculture", chaired by Dr. Suhas P Wani, former Director, Research Programme, Asia and Director, ICRISAT Development Centre. 


ദേശീയ ശാസ്ത്രദിനമായ ഫെബ്രുവരി 28ന് പടന്നക്കാട് കാർഷിക കോളേജില്‍ സയന്‍സ് ക്ലബ്ബിന്‍റെ ആഭിമുഖ്യത്തില്‍ വിവിധ പരിപാടികള്‍ സംഘടിപ്പിച്ചു. ശാസ്ത്രം വനിതകളിലൂടെ എന്ന വിഷയത്തില്‍ പ്രബന്ധരചനാ മത്സരവും ശാസ്ത്രവും സമൂഹവും എന്ന വിഷയത്തില്‍ കൊളാഷ് മത്സരവും നടത്തി.  ഏകദേശം മുപ്പതോളം വിദ്യാർത്ഥികള്‍ മത്സരങ്ങളില്‍ പങ്കെടുത്തു


Kerala State Agricultural Mechanisation Mission (KSAMM) along with Food Security Army (FSA), ARS Mannuthy participated in the International workshop/ Exhibition on Agro processing and Value Addition held at Thekkinkad Maidan, Thrissur from 4th to 7th Jan 2020 and won 3 rd prize in Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)


The Annual Research Report of KAU for the year 2019 was released by Union Minister of State for Panchayati Raj, Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Govt of India Sri. Parshaotham Rupale by handing over the report to Minister for Agriculture Development and Farmers’ Welfare of Govt. of Kerala, Adv. V.S.Sunil Kumar on 06/01/2020 during VAIGA-2020 held at Thekkinkad Maithanam, Thrissur, Kerala. Vice Chancellor of KAU, Dr. R.Chandra Babu and Director of Research Dr. P. Indira Devi were present during the occasion.  



"MERAKI" Mesmerize the miracles!

 was inaugurated by  Sri. Sreejith Ariyallur (Poet, Orator) on19-12-2019 at College Auditorium. Followed by a musical band show by CMajor7 music band.


World Soil Day Clebration 2019 December 5

World Soil Day was celebrated at ARS, Chalakudy. Students from Govt Boys School, Chalakudy and Sacred Hearts College participated in the celebrations. Soil day message was delivered by the scientists and classes were conducted on the importance of soil and various soil conservation methods. Competitions like Quiz, Slogan writing, Group Discussion, etc were conducted for the students and the prizes were distributed. 



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