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International Womens Day 2019 programme was celebrated by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Thrissur on 08.03.2019 in collaboration with Costford Ayyanthole. ‘Balance for better’ is the campaign theme of International Womens Day 2019. The programme was inaugurated by Smt. Sofy Thomas, District Judge. Dr. A. Prema, Professor & Head, KVK, Thrissur presided over the function. The key note address on ‘Women and Constitution’ was declared by Adv. Indira Rajan.  Dr. Sheela Viswanathan delivered a speech on ‘Women and Health issues’. Prof. C. Vimala and   Smt. Lalitha Lenin gave the felicitation talk.


Commemorating the diamond jubilee celebrations of Kerala Legislative Assembly, a three day conclave of socially and politically active youths from various colleges across the country, named “National Students Parliament, Kerala – 2019”, was organised by Centre  for  Parliamentary  Studies and  Training  of  the  Kerala  Legislative  Assembly from 23.02.2019 to 25.02.2019.


Ms. Harithalekshmi and her team has secured Best Paper Award in Oral Presentation in the International Symposium on Advances in Agrometeorology for Managing Climate Risks of Farmers (INAGMET-2019) held at JNU, New Delhi during 11-13, February, 2019.

(Title: Intercomparison of seven Temperature-Humidity index equations to find out best THI for central zone of Kerala; Authors: Harithalekshmi V, Aswathi K. P and B. Ajithkumar)


Two nurseries of Dept. of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara  have been awarded four star rating on a one to five scale by the Directorate of Arecanut and Spices Development, Govt. of India.

1. Black pepper nursery at pepper research unit

2. Spices nursery at model nursery for Spice


Students from Kerala Agricultural University participated in the Professional Students Summit, 2019 (PSS 2K19) held at Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) campus, on 10th Feb. 2019. PSS 2K19, a first of its kind of initiative by the Government of Kerala as a conclave of professional students from different streams (Medicine, Agriculture, Ayurveda, Homeo, Dental, Nursing, Pharmacy, Engineering, Veterinary, Fisheries, Management and Law).


As part of the curriculum the fourth year students of B.Sc.-M.Sc.(Integrated) Biotechnology course, College of Agriculture, Vellayani in collaboration with Department of Agricultural Extension organised the event 'lmpulz 2k19- the beat to alter'.The two day event was inaugurated by Dr.K.Vasuki IAS, District Collector,Thiruvananthapuram followed by her keynote address on Climate change and Agriculture. A national level workshop on 'Basic molecular techniques' was held in parallel to seminar series led by eminent personalities from different institutions.



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